Topic: Upload Plugins From Plugins List
I have seen a lot of people asking for a way to upload plugins from the plugin in tab, so I wrote a small little script that will allow the user to upload the plugin zip file
navigate to plugins -> box -> plugins -> views -> backend and copy and paste this code into the index.view.php file
open($target_path); if ($x === true) { $zip->extractTo("../plugins/"); // change this to the correct site path $zip->close(); unlink($target_path); header( 'refresh: 3; url=/admin/index.php?id=plugins' ); # redirects to our homepage } $message = "Your plugin was uploaded successfully, page will reload in 3 seconds."; } else { $message = "There was a problem with the upload. Please try again."; } } ?> $message"; ?>
'btn btn-small', 'onclick' => "return confirmDelete('".__('Delete plugin :plugin', 'plugins', array(':plugin' => $plugin['title']))."')")); ?>
plugin_name; ?> plugin_description; ?> plugin_author; ?> plugin_version; ?> 'btn btn-small')); ?> 'btn btn-small', 'onclick' => "return confirmDelete('".__('Delete plugin :plugin', 'plugins', array(':plugin' => $plugin_xml->plugin_name))."')")); ?>