2 2014-01-17 16:39:34
Re: Morfy
I wait silently..
Re: Morfy
so what is Morfy going to be? is it a cms or so?
Re: Morfy
Or is this a new name for the project, as was the case for Template CMS ??

Re: Morfy
Morfy 1.0.0 - released - http://morfy.monstra.org
It's just a small experiment, don't worry
Re: Morfy
Awilum you're Awesome !!!
Morfy is simple and work great, the file template is a great idea, i love it.
Possible to loop on .md file for blog article ?

7 2014-01-18 22:12:53
Re: Morfy
Ops sorry, blog work great too !!!

Re: Morfy
awesome project bro! I've tried it, it's cool
Re: Morfy
Documentation in russian, i wait..
Re: Morfy
very nice project!
11 2014-01-21 20:10:51
Re: Morfy
Documentation in russian, i wait..
Да можете не ждать
Yes, can not wait
Plug-ins are distributed Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0
12 2014-01-21 20:45:19
Re: Morfy
fr1zzer wrote:Documentation in russian, i wait..
Да можете не ждать
Yes, can not wait
Разработчик из Украины.. Зачем так жить..) Многие ру юзеры хотели бы пользоваться morfy, monstra но не все же знают английский... эх(
Re: Morfy
KANekT, fr1zzer you can translate documentation and create a morfycms.ru for e.g.
14 2014-01-21 21:25:29
Re: Morfy
Ок, кэп.
15 2014-01-21 21:37:47
Re: Morfy
@Awilum, i propose a more complete defaut theme,
Use footer with Morfy link to officiel site.
Detailled blog template

16 2014-01-21 21:43:05
Re: Morfy
stradfred, thanks! This update will be in next release
Re: Morfy
i dont understand this,
monstra is already simple enough if u want it to be as well as it could be a heavy multi functions thing, wht do we need Morfy for?
So far So good