Topic: [Editor] Summernote
Summernote is a Super Simple WYSIWYG Editor on Bootstrap.

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Summernote is a Super Simple WYSIWYG Editor on Bootstrap.
Summernote is a Super Simple WYSIWYG Editor on Bootstrap.
I have no words! thumbs up buddy!!!! tnx
Hum yes, and is the same for and ok for use span for color.
And image is encoded in base64...
Thanks for this amazing editor, but is it possible to store uploaded images as an image itself in a folder instead of encoding it base64 into the file. Or is there a possibility to shrink the imagefiles on upload in anyway because when members of my monstra page upload images with 3 or 4MB the site whill load insanly slow
Hope there is a solution.
Thanks Lucas
Discovered an error in the editor. When you work with the plugin blog, the tag {cut}
cuts adjacent characters.
How to correct this deficiency do not know yet.
Why after installing the plugin editor is not visible when editing eg. pages?
Why after installing the plugin editor is not visible when editing eg. pages?
which version monstra you have;
I too can't get Summernotes to display. I'm using Monstra 3.0.1. I just get a plain text box with none of the markup icons. Is it a permissions thing? Tried in both FF and Chrome. Thanks in advance!
I too can't get Summernotes to display. I'm using Monstra 3.0.1. I just get a plain text box with none of the markup icons. Is it a permissions thing? Tried in both FF and Chrome. Thanks in advance!
Many thanks for your quick response, unistalled the old version, installed the new, but still the same sorry. Looks like this:
Many thanks for your quick response, unistalled the old version, installed the new, but still the same sorry. Looks like this:
Don't understand what you mean by this image you posted?
I forgot to say that the image I posted is what it looks like with the other plugins uninstalled - someone here got it working after doing that ( - but that didn't work for me.
I reinstalled all plugins and it now looks like this, ie what it originally looked like (I also reinstalled the default text so we can compare properly)
Hmm, this might be useful:
After installing all the plugins I then uninstalled Summernote. The editing page didn't change, it looked the same as above.
I then reinstalled Summernote and all the editing icons disappeared - the editing page changed and looked like the very first image I posted.
I then uninstalled MarkItUp! and the editing page didn't change.
I reinstalled MarkItUp! and the original (MarkItUp?) icons came back. But nothing Summernote-like ever appears.
Please download the plugin again and then re-install
Brilliant, thank you! What a great little editor, extremely happy to be able to use it now.
Had to uninstall MarkItUp! as its icons were still appearing and interfering.
Also like lucas91 I can see people uploading 4MB images and there's no way to shrink them or make them truly bootstrap image-responsive.
But thanks again for your efforts and quick response, very much appreciated.
stradfred, there still seems to be a little problem with summernote on latest Monstra 3.0.1. Look at the picture: … _19_50.png
seems like some of the css elements are overrided by existing clases - there is a background and text issue as You can see in attached image.
PS. Please tell me, how I can change the language of the summernote? I've tried to change in inside plugins/summernote/summernote/src/js/settings.js but that's not changing anything. Is there somewhere else the proper config file?
Thank You
Hello, yes you are doing it wrong.
To edit you need to go at the Plugin itself > plugins/summernote/languages and then open your desired language file and edit it!
That's it, i hope i could help
Hi wormsunited inside my summernote plugin, I have only "lang" folder. Do I have to create "language" manually?
If you dont have the summernote lang folder its on the core files for sure, this means you have to do it manualy. I know it sucks but you dont have another way....
I do have folder "lang", but not tje "languages". The folder "lang"is on location /plugins/summernote/summernote/lang, but it's not in the root directory of the plugin.
I've tried to create "languages" in plugin's root, and copy the original lang file from location above, but that's not working. Do I have to write the language content manually? how?
hm... I was also thinking just of replacing the whole current english language file with content of language from my country, but somehow it not works either. But that's not impossible, summernote by default have to take the whole text from somewhere, right?
What is your country native language? I might help on that translation... I am currently busy but i might give you a 'hand' on that....
my language is Polish. And I see that by default the summernote has it inside it's langs, but they are not seen by default by the Monstra.
OMG i cannot help you on Polish
The problem of a few plugins is that you have the code and settings on the Core files so the only way to edit them is going one by one...