Topic: Theme error (Bootstrap3 CSS)


I created a simple theme with last Bootstrap:

    <?php echo Site::name() . ' - ' . Site::title(); ?>


Seems, error occurred while execute Stylesheet::load()

Monstra 2.3.1

PS How I can see PHP errors in Monstra?

Re: Theme error (Bootstrap3 CSS)

Unfortunately, yes, problem in MinifyCSS::process()
For some reasone script fails while compiling TB3 CSS
Thats why I am using such code, now

PS How I can see PHP errors in Monstra?

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Re: Theme error (Bootstrap3 CSS)

Awilum, thanks for reply!

Monstra's code is very comfortable and good structured. Monstra has great potential.

I fixed my problem by replacing Stylesheet.php:123 from

file_put_contents($frontend_site_css_path, MinifyCSS::process($frontend_buffer));


file_put_contents($frontend_site_css_path, $frontend_buffer);

It's bad idea, I know, but Boostrap3's support is required. Maybe set an option (or several options) to contol minifying of HTML/JS/CSS?


Re: Theme error (Bootstrap3 CSS)

You need to comment the following lines in libraries/Gelato/Minify/MinifyCSS.php file (line 111)

        // remove ws in selectors
        $css = preg_replace_callback('/
                (?:              # non-capture
                    [^~>+,\\s]+  # selector part
                    [,>+~]       # combinators
                [^~>+,\\s]+      # selector part
                {                # open declaration block
            ,array($this, '_selectorsCB'), $css);