Try this:
Steps to Install:
Download the latest version.
Unzip the contents to a new folder on your local computer.
Upload that whole folder with an FTP client to your host.
You may also need to recursively CHMOD the folder /storage/, /tmp/, /backups/ and /public/
to 755(or 777) if your host doesn't set it implicitly.
Also you may also need to recursively CHMOD the /install.php, /.htaccess and /sitemap.xml
to 755(or 777) if your host doesn't set it implicitly.
Type http://example.org/install.php in the browser.
Some installations and this deppends on your webserver, give you problems! If you face such a problems, follow this steps:
Install in localhost and copy in hosting and go to storage/database/options.table.xml and change site_url with your hosting url > Remember remove install.php
more informations at: http://monstra.org/documentation/installation 
http://monstracreative.com - themes, plugins and snippets for monstra cms
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