Topic: RSS plugin
Anyone have RSS plugin for Morfy?
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Anyone have RSS plugin for Morfy?
Also, look what i constructed:
1) Blocks with random color
2) Tags in Title are clickable
3) Cackle comments widget added
4) Nice sitemap.
5) /content/blog replaced to /content everywhere in morfy. - Nice URL without "/blog/"
6) Nice 404 page
It was very hard for me. My html/php knowledge are very poor. Please help me to create RSS button.
getUrl() == 'RSS') { Morfy::factory()->addAction('before_render', function() { echo ''; exit(); }); } ?> YOUR TITLE HTTP://YOUR_SITE.COM/YOUR DESCRIPTION YOUR LANGUAGE: ru, en, etc. '; $pages = Morfy::factory()->getPages(CONTENT_PATH, 'date', 'DESC', array('404')); foreach($pages as $page) { echo ('- '); } echo '
'.htmlspecialchars($page['title'], ENT_QUOTES).' '.$page['url'].''.$page['url'].' '.htmlspecialchars($page['content_short'], ENT_QUOTES).' '.date('D, d M Y H:i:s', strtotime($page['date'])).' +0400
About: "
'plugins' => array( 'pagination', 'tags', 'rss', ),
Wasn`t work until:
DELETE line 390: header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].' 404 Not Found');
Any ideas why need to delete this line in Morfy.php ?
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