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Topic: problem with a template
Hey is anyone here able to help me out fixing Hostro template into monstra cms? since i got it added but then adding main site content to index.chunk.php only puts every page i create with same content which is wrong so i restored it back to it's default and now table part is not behaving propertly in cms 

- dextra
- Monstra Student
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Re: problem with a template
hi jakesully
Well I'll give you an example:
instruments should has
3 Reply by JakeSully 2014-02-12 14:34:55 (edited by JakeSully 2014-02-12 15:04:51)
Re: problem with a template
nvm appearently guide by RomanArt his video was wrong
he actually replaced code above in index.chunk.php with content code from html template and that made every singel page get same content, but i solved it by adding back original php codes into index.chunk.php and then add content code through admincp area by editing index page that made it work out smoothly without any issue 
- From: Thailand, Bangkok
- Posts: 250
- Reputation : [ 22 | 0 ]
Re: problem with a template
I did not use any index.chunks.php in video, it was index.template.php, im a bit confuse wht made u make mistake by watching video? Could u tell me more
(с) Roman Art
So far So good

5 Reply by JakeSully 2014-02-13 14:28:58 (edited by JakeSully 2014-02-13 14:33:59)
Re: problem with a template
what i could see is you editing index.chunk.php not index.template.php because .php in themes folder has no index.template.php only index.chunk.php so either you renamed index.chunk.php into index.template.php like guy who said after my first post.
Nvm it was index.template.php so i was editing right one but odd thing is once i uploaded it containing html code from html site inside index.template.php it then got every page on my cms to show same content.
secondly now i agree about that idk where i got thing about index.chunk.php xD must of thinked by same name that rest of files in that folder is called lol
- From: Thailand, Bangkok
- Posts: 250
- Reputation : [ 22 | 0 ]
Re: problem with a template
Lol, cause i got surprised so much after u said abt my tut and chunks oO i even delete a footer link chunk in video cause i never use it, was making themes for a year on monstra and never use chunks, beside header and footer.
(с) Roman Art
So far So good

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