tedor2 wrote:Hello RomanArt,
thank you for developing the theme. I am very much looking forward to experiment with it and Monstra.
Could you please let me know which plugins to install to have the theme function as the demo?
I am also interested in the pro theme to use for a project.
Is there much difference in reliability/customisation between the free and the pro version?
Thank you,
For the TM003 i used plugins : Blog (Awilum), Contact(Awilum) u can find them in this forum
and i update or upgrade free themes only when i have free time.
about premium Monstra Pro, u got more functionality, better and clear code, also u get at least 3 plugins which are heavely redesigned, u got almost full documentation about what is what and also u got free support and updates forever
and at the end u got also at least 3-12 colors for theme, in bellania i created only 3 versions of colors but im looking forward to add more, also bellania has a color changer plugin, and its only begining cause im planing to create more extra plugin to control theme via admin panel to make u guys feel like nothing can be easyer to work with that monstra cms + monstra pro 
(с) Roman Art
So far So good