(0 replies, posted in Questions)

Hi guys, I try to use dynamic grid layout on Morfy cms like blocksIt.js or
Wookmark jQuery plugins. But this plugins don't want to work. What I`m doing wrong?


(5 replies, posted in Questions)

I'm sorry for my tardiness, tovic! I did everything you said, but I have only three links.


This is my content folder. Maybe I missed something?

content.zip (12 KB)


(5 replies, posted in Questions)

Thanks for answer tovic) But I got something like this(


what am I doing wrong?


(5 replies, posted in Questions)

Hi guys. I have a question. It`s  possible to show few categories? For example, I have 3 folder in "content" folder like a "notes", "article" and "media". How I can show this categories in index page?

Thanks )