Glad to find some other Indonesian here, too
1 2014-01-19 09:46:22
Re: Introduce yourself (16 replies, posted in General discussion)
2 2014-01-19 09:43:50
Re: Monstra Language Packs (52 replies, posted in Projects)
I have made Indonesian translation, i hope it helps. Please check them. Thanks
3 2014-01-17 05:08:23
Re: Introduce yourself (16 replies, posted in General discussion)
Hi! yes, in Depok. How about you, Aryandhani?
4 2014-01-15 23:28:30
Re: Monstra TM 003 (9 replies, posted in Themes)
Roman, hi! thats a great theme you made there. Ive been trying it out. Thanks.
By the way, could you please tell me how to restore the menu button? Since the master file on Github is only the default theme, if im not mistaken.
5 2014-01-15 23:21:23
Re: Introduce yourself (16 replies, posted in General discussion)
Have no idea there is an introduction thread on here!
Hello guys, i am Anissa. Another monstra newbie here, cannot wait to contribute for this forum. Your guidance will be appreciated.
6 2014-01-15 09:01:48
Re: Pixel Proposal :) (1 replies, posted in General discussion)
I just checked this out while installing monstra template. A geeky proposal, cool.