Sorry for not getting back in a while.
That is the same thing I did. I managed to get the Sub-pages title.Each sub-page has a bit of content . How do I get the sub-pages content?
1 2015-04-19 08:23:10
Re: Get children page content? (5 replies, posted in Questions)
2 2015-04-08 19:54:35
Re: Get children page content? (5 replies, posted in Questions)
Thank you for the reply.
That code doesnt work for me. Probably i dont use it as i should I dont know much php.
What i want to achive is this .
I cant find how to get the conetnt of each subpage. Managed to get the titles though.
3 2015-04-08 08:08:24
Topic: Get children page content? (5 replies, posted in Questions)
I need a bit of help/advice on this. I want to display the content of sub-page on the home page
For example; I have main page Services with 4 sub-pages, each sub-page will have some text.
I have managed to show the list of the childpage using this code
But I dont know how to get the content of the sub-page as well. Can someone give me some advice on this?
Thank you!
4 2013-06-11 04:52:26
Re: [Release] Catalog (9 replies, posted in Plugins)
dev plugin is 1.4.0 and catalog is 1.5.0
5 2013-06-10 09:14:14
Re: [Release] Catalog (9 replies, posted in Plugins)
I can not make this plugin work. If i add {catalog list="menu"} or i only get a blank page. The only think that works is this {catalog list="item" uid=1} / .
Can anyone help me with this? Am i missing something? I have installed dev plugin.
Thank you!